Create A Fundraiser

Thank you for your interest in supporting The Children's Cabinet and the children and families we serve.

Your support ensures The Children’s Cabinet can provide programs and services at no charge to youth and their families.

First things first – Please contact Ashleigh Foster to let us know of your plans so we can provide you with the tools for a successful and impactful event.

Host A Donation Drive

Non-Perishable Food
Beans, rice, pasta, canned sauce, oil, canned tomatoes, peanut butter, oats, canned soups, canned fruit, mac n cheese, ramen, etc.

Hygiene Products
Body wash, razors, shaving cream, sunscreen, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.

School Supplies
Backpacks, lunchboxes, pencils/markers/pens, notebooks, glue sticks, scissors, pencil pouches, binders, etc. 

Household Essentials
Dish Soap, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, sheets, bath towels, laundry detergent, disinfecting wipes, etc. 

Newborn Essentials
Bottles, formula, clothes, blankets, bath essentials, diapers, wipes, etc. 

Winter Clothing
Gloves, warm socks, jackets, hats, scarves, earmuffs, etc.

Toy Drive
Balls, baby dolls, Barbies, Disney/Marvel, arts and crafts, board games, Legos, cars and trucks, items for teens, gift cards, etc. 

Valentine’s Day
Donate treats, valentines, and/or baskets for children, families, and our Redfield Academy students

Donate filled Easter eggs, bags/baskets for an egg hunt, Easter baskets for youth

Round Up At

Support children and families in our community while you shop! Choose The Children’s Cabinet (Children’s Cabinet Inc A Child And Family Resource) as your preferred charity and round up your purchase at checkout! 

Walmart Wish List

Donate from our Walmart Wish List for our most needed items!

Amazon Wish List

Donate from our Amazon Wish List for our most needed items!

Host a Fundraiser on Facebook

Did you know you can host a fundraiser on Facebook to celebrate Giving Tuesday, your birthday, or ‘just because’? On Facebook, search “Fundraisers”, click “Create a Fundraiser”, search “The Children’s Cabinet”, set your goal amount and click “create”. This is a great way to get family and friends involved and support our mission to keep children safe and families together. 

Friends & Family Fundraiser

In Lieu of birthday, holiday, or anniversary gifts, ask friends and family to give a gift to support The Children’s Cabinet. 

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