Summer is a great time to keep the learning going while out and about or even taking a summer road trip. Make the most of the time you share with your little ones by exploring together and talking back and forth about what you see and experience. You are your child’s first and most important teacher!

Learn more about the science
You can learn more about the science behind Vroom by taking a Mind in the Making class. These interactive sessions help us understand the science behind children’s early development. They also offer us simple, everyday ways we can promote strong life skills for the children in our lives.
The Children’s Cabinet offers Mind in the Making classes in-person and online. Check out our events calendar for a schedule of free, public classes.
FREE Parenting Classes this month
Mind in the Making (MITM) shares the science of children’s learning through innovative in-depth training and materials geared for action. The classes take a multi-generational approach to building executive function-based life skills within families.
June 7 in-person (Reno)
Introduction to Mind in the Making
June 23 in-person (Reno)
MITM Module 1: Focus & Self-Control
It's easy to use Vroom Tips when you're out & about
Shopping Together
Running errands with your child may take a little longer, but shopping is a great opportunity to build your child’s brain. As you take your child through the market, point to familiar products. Talk about colors and numbers and follow your child’s interests to help connect what they know with what’s on the shelf. Your child’s brain is making connections between what they point at and see, and the words you are using – helping to boost their communication skills.

Program Highlight: Family Reading Program
The Family Reading Program at the Northern Nevada Literacy Council is dedicated to improving literacy in homes all over Nevada. The FRP provides books and materials to families to build their home libraries and facilitate activities in relation to the books. The program staff incorporates ideologies from Vroom and Mind in the Making to promote life skills in early childhood and to guide parents in promoting reading and meaningful interactions with their children. They’ve even created short videos like this one to help parents make the most of reading time!