Positive Discipline (ages 2-12)

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**THIS IS A LIVE ONLINE WEBINARTotal Hours: 2.0The goal of this program is to provide parents/guardians, and caregivers with proven problem-solving, non-violent methods to safely discipline their children. The parents/caregivers will also learn the meaning of discipline and how it is different from punishment. (2-hour program)Instructor: Thelma Aviles


Cribs for Kids

The Children's Cabinet 1090 S. Rock Blvd, Reno, NV, United States

PLEASE SEE REQUIREMENTS TO ATTEND THIS PARENTING CLASS.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0REQUIREMENTS: Baby due in 4 months to baby 6 months old needing a cribNew Parents! Single Parents! Moms or Dads Grandparents! (gaining custody)***Will Get a FREE Crib with Accessories when completing this class***Safe Sleep Education: Babies don't come with a manual when […]


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