This is not a training, and no registry credit will be given.
This is not a training, and no registry credit will be given. This is an open-house event for child care providers to explore the resources and curriculum supports of the Lending Library
A practical resource for early childhood programs:
- Laminate, copy and prep learning materials
- Use word processing software to create
- handouts, flyers, newsletters, etc.
- Borrow classroom activity kits, curriculum samples and books to continue your professional development
February Special Activities:
The Children’s Cabinet Resource & Referral Team
- How to work with families on child care subsidy in your program Info on Family, Friend & Neighbor (FFN) Care
- Resources and Information from Immunize NV
upcoming Saturdays:
- March 11th
- April 1St
- May 20th
- June 10th
- July 8th
- August 12th
- September 9th
- October 14th
- November 4th
- December 9th