Las Vegas The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0The Children's Cabinet provides a free 2-hour STEM class where participants (parents and children) will engage in several different STEM activities and experiments. Eligible participants: Parents with children ages 3-5 years old.Instructor: Jazmin Slappy


Calming the Chaos: Tips and Trick for Smoother Transitions

**REMINDER PLEASE CHECK YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK**Instructor: Whitney TillmanNevada Registry Approved: 2.0 HoursCKA: Environment & CurriculumDuring this event learners will define transitions, explore prevention strategies, and be introduced to new songs and activites to use during transitions. Learners will participate in interactive activities to apply thei knowledge such as a talent show. Additionally, […]


Cunas Para Niños

Las Vegas The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet-Decatur.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.0The Children’s Cabinet ofrece una clase gratis de 1 hora sobre la importancia de prácticas seguras para dormir a su bebé. Al completar la clase, todos los participantes elegibles recibirán un corralito. Participantes elegibles: padres esperando bebé o padres con un […]


I’m Ready for K: Math

Family 2 Family Connection 3900 Cambridge Street, ## 107, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at Family 2 Family ConnectionThis is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.0Join us for a fun-filled playing and learning series designed for both you and your children. The "I'm Ready for K” series is designed for parents with children ages 3-5 years old. Parents will learn how to help their children […]


Murphy’s Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Nevada Strong Start Child Care Services Center 961 Matley Lane Suite 110, Reno, NV, United States

In-PersonInstructor: Janna MasonNevada Registry Approved: 2.0 HoursCKA: Health Safety & NutritionParticipants will learn how to think about, plan and prepare for emergency situations. They will develop a preparedness plan that includes communication, emergency supplies, evacuation plans and more. Participants will walk away with many handouts and materials to make sure they can handle any situation […]


Parenting 501: Redirecting Your Child’s Misbehavior

The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 2.0In this class, we explain the age-old question, “What are they thinking?” by first understanding what motivates our kids’ behaviors, and then how to best redirect them towards making better choices using some common, yet effective techniques and strategies. (This is […]


Finding Balance with Media and Tech Use at Home

**PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE REGISTRATION IN THE LINK PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL**THIS IS A LIVE WEBINARTrainers: Ivett NunezHours: 1.5In this workshop, we will reflect on the activities children engage in every week, and how much media and technology they consume. We will explore ideas on how to replace time from media/tech with other learning activities. […]


Out of School Time: Family Science … It’s Not How I learned Science

***Please make sure to have a Zoom account prior to attending The Children's Cabinet virtual trainings.*** (Handouts-Windows 10 or better)Instructor: Constance TomanengNevada Registry Approved: 1.0 HoursCKA: Family and Community RelationshipsInvolving parents and families in afterschool science, engineering, and technology (SET) programming produces real payoffs for youth, families, and afterschool programs. Learn how to extend youth’s […]


The Brain Science Behind VROOM

Nevada Strong Start Child Care Services Center 961 Matley Lane Suite 110, Reno, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at Nevada Strong Start Child Care Services Center.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.5Join us for an interactive look into how our young children’s brains develop, while learning fun, and engaging activities that you can do daily to help give children a great start in life today—and an even better […]


Cribs for Kids

Las Vegas The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

This is an in-person class at The Children's Cabinet.This is an in-person classTotal Hours: 1.0A one-hour parenting class on the importance of practicing safe sleep practices to reduce the risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) which include SIDS and preventable deaths like suffocation and strangulation in bed.   Instructor: Jazmin Slappy


From Co-Teachers to Coach (Inside the Classroom)

Las Vegas The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Thanks so much for your registration! We look forward to serving you. **COVID-19 UPDATE** The Children’s Cabinet is taking precautions tInstructor: Samantha HourNevada Registry Approved: 2.0 hoursCKA: Positive Interactions and GuidanceThis training session is designed to help providers identify positive discipline methods versus negative discipline with children. Providers will be provided video clips and will […]


Mind in the Making Module 1: Introduction to Mind in the Making

The Children's Cabinet 5905 South Decatur Blvd., Suite #13, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Please be aware that you will be asked to adhere to all current social distancing guidelines and COVID-19 safety protocolsInstructor: Constance TomanengNevada Registry Approved: 2.0 hoursCKA: Human Growth and DevelopmentLearning Outcomes: Participants will restate the "7 Essential Life Skills" of Mind in the Making.Participants will paraphrase the concept of Executive Function skills and how it […]


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